Kindness Is A Magic (5 short acts of Kindness)

Ayesha Aslam
3 min readJul 24, 2020

Kindness is a feel you can express to someone or even your own-self. It is something called being friendly, generous, and considerate.

In my way kindness is something being honest and feeling what others are going through. You can be just polite and do following:

  1. Smile
  2. Hold the door open
  3. Give an honest compliment
  4. Thank someone who you appreciate
  5. Be a good listener
  6. Offer your help to someone
  7. Ask the person who’s serving you how their day is going
  8. Treat someone to a coffee or tea
  9. Let someone go past you in the grocery queue

1. Helped My Father To Clean His Little Garden:

Gardening is one of most relaxing hobby anyone can have. It is really kind if you help one with his cleaning because it requires strength and sort of happiness.

2. Just Place some water and Bajra (Birds feed) on your roof.

It merely takes 5 minutes to Fill water and place some bajra but whole day, it will make you feel blessed.

3. Made a cup of tea with little pastry for my parents:

It could be most pleasant know that your parents are happy because of you. Doing little things like tea party and giving water before they ask make it to next level.

Caution: Don’t take a picture in front of them, you are gonna spoil their feelings.

4. Helping Neighbors:

There are some cases left of good communicating neighbors as world has grown mean, still helping mean people is something kind it might not effect them but it will definitely change a world for those who are watching you.

There lies the beauty of kindness, when your heart melts for others even they have not done well with you.

5. Manage time for others:

You don’t need to buy people expensive gifts sometimes listening to their pain is a medicine and cure as well. Sometimes people are so tangled that they just don’t the realize that there could be easy solution, but speaking to you might help them.

Communicate with your friends and fellow.

