Ayesha Aslam
6 min readAug 17, 2020


When I was a child, I had so many desires I wanted to become a architect (I live creating home I had made my place with cushions and used chairs as probes to support it , an actress (because my tone changes according to situation, it’s natural, I have never faked it), then as I grew up watched a lot of movies I desired to be a cop (Tackling situations and solving mysteries), then I fell in love with doctors and devotion of few to their profession and so on. My list did not ends here but let’s get to the topic.

In desi families you are strength of each other.

A little bit of Background here.

As I grew up in “Desii Family” I learned so many tacks about life, I have learned that you can’t be independent, you need people in your life and we you can’t deny it, but you can be financially independent. I started to grow more sensible and reasonable and started doing my own stuffs by my own while it’s not that common in a desii family most of yours stuffs are being done by your parents, eventually a desire or nature call I don’t know what just urged me to start a business or a job.

I was worried to start a business because I didn’t knew how to start, I was bit of nervous regarding my profession as well. Well all I had figured out was I needed a mentor. well then destiny knocked and a class fellow of mine introduced me with AMAL, here we go. Then later on I had session and even now I’m a student and a fellow of AMAL I have been assigned to write about my business.

Comes to point:

I have designed a business plan to start a Cafe. In a small set up there is no more new but still I will put innovation in it and I won’t disclose it for now. You’ll be updated don’t worry.

I had begun to learn baking when Pandemic started I had material in my house (I didn’t waste money). As I started baking I got exposed to marketing i came to know about business regarding it.

This is somewhat a picture i had imagined yet it’s not mine.

Opening a is just not an idea or threshold that has just rushed but there is also an social issue I cared about the problem was whenever I have entered any cafe I felt a little bit uncomfortable whether it was just crowded or food I had order was not fit or as I had supposed of it. Sometimes it was not clean enough. Being and entrepreneur I will be dealing with comfort of many people who are far from their homes either they have job or studies to do. Making your customer feel home is gonna be my priority and a clean home is something that relives you from many tensions. So a list of few problems are below:

o cleanliness

o Hygiene

o Taste

o Comfortable Room

What are some of the ways you can address that problem?

Cleanliness can be easily managed to do it once in early morning then use a broom or cloth to keep the flour clean and a doormat will be a treat to it. All needed is your attentive sparks.

According to law of attraction I really had concluded your meal absorbs your vibes while you are cooking it. Cook with heart and a better recipe might fulfill taste requirements.

Hygiene is cleaning conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease. A picture of clean and hygiene is also attached to show how can it be. I meant feeling, it made smile like wow it’s clean and, pests and insect free.

A cleaner place could be far better than anywhere.

The sustainability of cafe entirely depend on the efforts in my plan hard work and refining of my idea can sustain my cafe and I can earn to live and shop without seeing the price tag. Tadaaa!

Opening such atmosphere can improve social interaction and that will lead to a healthy community

Consistent improvements

Consistent improvements to enhance your small business are critical for its success and sustainability. Things like monitoring cash flow consistently, utilizing social media for marketing, and recognizing your strengths while asking for help in areas that are less so can help you focus on improving areas of your business that offer the biggest gain.

Here are some handy tips I have learned through internet and took a feedback from people around, it is necessary to have few notes or guidelines to remind you to improve your business.

Keep Financial Score

There are few small entrepreneurs who have an exact estimation of the daily, weekly, and monthly financial trends in the business they are running. It is necessary to check cash flow. If you don’t have the financial skills you can learn those or hire an accountant, but you should be in the loop, very often

Set Goal

just like it keeping financial score, it is necessary to have objectives is a crucial part of successful businesses. Setting a goal is an ongoing planning tool to keep motivated and moving forward. Making a website or a social platform can increase sales and customer’s loyalty. It will attract as many as people having same taste or interest.

Use High-Impact Marketing

Money is something you need and everyone is trying to make then why wasting it on ineffective marketing. There are many low budget and high impact marketing strategies that can easily improve your small business. According to design thinking testing one or two new tactics can actually improve your business and it is better to do before adding them to your marketing mix. Social media is example of it. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are a few good tools to attract people to your business.

Insight of trends

No business operates in a vacuum. Insight of global changes in tends might help you to clear your area of improvement in your industry and local community. Irrelevant events could be impacting on your business.


Transparency is a support to foundation of your business. It reflects breaking down silos, effective communication, testing and refining of your idea to manage things run efficiently. To be clear and transparent you should document your steps “write them”.

Your Expertise:

Everyone is master of something and may be really bad or just not that good for something being a good entrepreneur you must know your limits and do what you are good at and seek help or hire someone for something you are not that good. For example you can hire a person for it.

Just like if you are good in baking but while dealing with people, your not an expert. hire someone to deal people.

A vacation:

Small business is really hard and exhausting thing to do and you are gonna need a break take it. Sometimes we need a fresh mind to built empire out of small start up. It could be a picnic too.

