Pomodoro in My Life

Ayesha Aslam
3 min readAug 21, 2020



Success is accomplishment of desired goals. They might be a house, a job, a family or career. Everyone have their own definition of success. Some define it as a life. While my opinion is where you find yourself in peace with yourself is success. I always had and have a wish to me mentally peaceful. Mental peace is not having a peaceful surrounding, it is accepting your past which includes learning from it and stop regretting it again and again, planning a better future even if you haven’t seen it and working on your present with love and joy that’s why it is called present (a gift).


Your present is where you can improve and build your peace because past is gone and who knows what future will bring to you, either it pay your hard work or test you again. In order to ensure that your pleasure, peace and work are gonna be worth you need to design your way to respond my learning a “Pomodoro Technique”. It will surely pay you in a long run.

There are many people on Earth desires to be successful, but few are successful because only they are who don’t quiet. There are some steps which will help you enjoy your work.

Pomodoro Technique:

“The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have — rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as pomodoros.”

Pomodoro Timer

A short introduction to Pomodoro Technique: In this techniques there is a inner urging element named as “gratifying monkey”, who urges you to do easy and fun things like watching movies playing games sleeping and another creature is “monster” who only wakes up to terrify you about your work’s deadline. So you really need to put deadlines to keep your monster active because he is the only one your gratifying monkey is being scared of. Start a timer and for sake of treat at the end start doing your works.

I had to complete my assignments and gratification monkey was urging me to watch my favorite dramas and movies, these were obstacles to do project work, I was appealed by myself to watch what will be the next episode and I was urged to see that twist or story but pmodoro technique has really helped me to manage to do my stuffs. I started my assignment with an timer of 25 minutes after which I treated myself with a short video by a YouTube by “MostlySane” one of my favorite most youtuber. Then I kept on doing this with numerous breaks some candy or fruit treats. And completed my Online course in time.

It was one of the most interesting and irritating course I had yet, it was supper lengthy and tiring but videos and tips were exotic for me and I had to do Pomodoro to get it all.

