Taking Flight

Ayesha Aslam
3 min readOct 29, 2020

Writing is very dear to me and I enjoy writing even for learning purposes (to learn lessons). I used to enjoy listening stories, therefore, for my exam preparation I never had to cram because it was already printed somewhere in my mind. I was familiar with word “freelancing/blogging” and I was to lazy to google it. Once I became part of Amal Family. I met people with diverse study and career backgrounds and I was being introduced to freelancing’s definition as well as blogging. It is writing on an online platform.

In my Amal Journey in my last session with those beautiful hearts we just talked (well, it was a surprise for me because we had to study even with all fun, we were being taught). Yes, the fun talk was titled as “Taking Flight” as my Blog. In that session I did not take notes but in my memories it was one of my best day of life. We did quizzes with fun, yes we did not study, quizzes were about life and our future perspectives. There was a question about a power we could have wished for or had. It was the great one, because all those questions were thought provoking.

You must be thinking that oh! they made us fun kind of study, well! you are right, they did play a game on us, am emotional one. We just talked and got connected, we all as a batch and family had tears in our eyes because we knew that we are going to be connected but that hustle to be in session online was a task was about to end. We all had great learning in spite of pandemic. In my opinion sometimes all we need is a warm hug and it could be a virtual one in pandemic and we had an emotional connection.

In my #amal_career_prep journey it was a bumpy ride, I had so many problems and I was discouraged at a point when my laptop which already was at it’s last stages and then it just passed away, I mean it got out of order and did not get repaired. But yet I was encouraged by my facilitators and a friend fellow to keep my hopes up and it was all, they could have done. I had to work hard and guess what, I did. This whole Journey has taught me to stand at my worse.

